Brigade Group - Brigade Enterprises Limited |
Brigade Group is a real estate development company headquartered in Bangalore. Over 20 years, we have constructed luxury apartments, integrated enclaves, state-of-art offices, serviced residences, resorts, hotels, clubs, schools. We have a range of projects in various stages of conception & creation
Brigade Enterprises Limited Hulkul Brigade Centre,
82, Lavelle Road (Next To Bangalore Club) Bangalore - 560001 Karnataka - India Phone: +91-80-41379200
Brigade Group - Brigade Enterprises Limited is listed as Builders and Developers in Bangalore in our real estate directory.
 About Brigade Group - Brigade Enterprises Limited |
Since 1990, Brigade Group is a name instantly identified with Bangalore: the city in which we are headquartered, which we understand with instinctive ease and with which we share our past and future.
When we started, our sole focus was property development. Today, ours is a uniquely diverse multi-domain portfolio that covers a wide range of residential, commercial and hospitality projects. Our projects now extend across several major cities in South India: Chennai, Chikmagalur, Hyderabad, Kochi, Mangalore and Mysore. We are one of Bangalore's leading property developers.
Brigade's standards of innovation, quality and trust have been established and are being upgraded constantly by the high-calibre team of Brigadiers. We draw upon a national and international pool of professional associates; employ modern construction technology; work in a professional environment supported by ERP; and follow best practices of HR management. Our profile of clients, across domains, is a testament to the reputation we have earned.
Brigade Enterprises Limited
Brigade Enterprises Limited is our flagship company. In the year 2007, we made the transition from a private to public limited company and set the path to a new trajectory.
We have successfully handled projects ranging from 0.1 million sft to 12 million sft. We have completed a total of 67 projects; on-going projects include 2 enclaves, 12 residential and 2 hospitality projects. Forthcoming projects include 4 integrated lifestyle enclaves, 14 residential, 9 commercial and 5 hospitality properties.
We have progressively introduced value-enhancing features to our buildings. These include advanced fire and security protection systems and technology like the Integrated Building Monitoring and Security System, which centrally monitors all building functions and systems. This has enabled us to increase building efficiency and ensure the continual comfort of its residents. We were also one of the first to incorporate eco-friendly measures like rainwater harvesting and waste recycling systems into our projects. | Projects of Brigade Group - Brigade Enterprises Limited | Some of the real estate projects by Brigade Group - Brigade Enterprises Limited are listed in the table below. |
Contact Person: M.R. Jaishankar. This listing has been viewed 1818 times so far. |