C P Kukreja Associates |
CPKA is a Delhi based ISO 9001-2008 certified multi-disciplinary architecture & engineering firm with a highly qualified and professional team of Architects, Planners, Structural Engineers, and Surveyors in India. Started as an Architectural firm in 1969, we now have about 40 years of experience.
C P Kukreja Associates D-1, Green Park, Ashirwad Complex New Delhi - 110016 Delhi - India Phone: +91-11-26863953
C P Kukreja Associates is listed as Architects in New Delhi in our real estate directory.
 About C P Kukreja Associates |
C P Kukreja Associates has been selected by one of the world's leading architectural journals, World Architecture, U.K amongst the top 100 architecture firms in the world. The firm was also selected by CNBC and CRISIL as Best Architects in India in the design of Residential Buildings.
CPKA has strength of 150 professionals under one roof with consultancy services which include:
- Architecture
- Town Planning
- Urban Design
- Interior Design
- Landscape Design
- Fire Fighting
- Quantity Surveying
- Plumbing
- Project Management |
Contact Person: C P Kukreja. This listing has been viewed 3297 times so far. |