Korath Gulf Links Builders Pvt. Ltd. |
KGL (Korath Gulf Links Builders) is managed and directed by a team of highly qualified and professional engineers who lay a strong emphasis on teamwork, synergy, professionalism and excellence in work. KGL is committed to the guiding principles of quality, timely delivery, fair price and integrity.
Korath Gulf Links Builders Pvt. Ltd. 5th Floor, Lalan Towers
Banerji Road Ernakulam - 682031 Kerala - India Phone: +91-484-3919333
Korath Gulf Links Builders Pvt. Ltd. is listed as Builders and Developers in Ernakulam in our real estate directory.
 About Korath Gulf Links Builders Pvt. Ltd. |
Customer Satisfaction is the utmost interest of KGL Builders and is always at their toes to serve you. KGL offers its skills and state of the art technology right from the conception to completion of a project. | Projects of Korath Gulf Links Builders Pvt. Ltd. | Some of the real estate projects by Korath Gulf Links Builders Pvt. Ltd. are listed in the table below. |
Project Name |
Project Location |
Project Type |
Status |
Marina Majestic |
Kochi (Ernakulam) |
Apartments |
Ongoing |
Contact Person: Korath Gulf Links . This listing has been viewed 1640 times so far. |