Maha Mandiram Constructions |
Maha Mandiram Contructions is ever searching for newer approaches to residential structures. It is of complete confidence that the technological advances will bring forward ever newer methods & material for construction that will reduce costs, drastically cut short time taken for construction.
Maha Mandiram Constructions Cears Towers
Alappat Cross Road Ernakulam - 682015 Kerala - India Phone: +91-484-2356576
Maha Mandiram Constructions is listed as Builders and Developers in Ernakulam in our real estate directory.
 About Maha Mandiram Constructions |
Maha Mandiram Constructions is an independent business unit of Cears Group, an organization with diversified business interests headquartered in Cochin, Kerala. | Projects of Maha Mandiram Constructions | Some of the real estate projects by Maha Mandiram Constructions are listed in the table below. |
Project Name |
Project Location |
Project Type |
Status |
Soubhagya Apartments |
Mulanthuruthy, Cohin |
Apartments |
Ongoing |
Autumn Woods |
Kochin |
Villas |
Ongoing |
Contact Person: Maha Mandiram . This listing has been viewed 1782 times so far. |