Modern Architects Jalandhar |
Established in 1996, Modern Architects is well known, A-Class approved architectural company in Jalandhar City. Modern Architects can be counted on for the design of creative & practical systems. We have the unique ability to seamlessly integrate the building systems with the project requirements.
Modern Architects University Road, Opp. Partap Palace,
Ladhewali, Jalandhar - 144009 Punjab - India Phone: +91-181-2411356
Modern Architects Jalandhar is listed as Architects in Jalandhar in our real estate directory.
 About Modern Architects Jalandhar |
Our engineering staff has unsurpassed talent for being creative and efficient in design. Be it structure or site, electrical or mechanical building systems, Modern Architect can be counted on for the design of creative and practical systems. Modern Architect has the unique ability to seamlessly integrate the building systems with the project requirements. We do this through in-house capacity to design structural, mechanical, electrical and plumbing building systems that are in tune with owners requirements for the project. These system design parameters are entered early in the design equation to ensure proper planning and the most integrated and efficient design possible.
We are a Govenment of India registered valuer u/s 34AB. Our registration number is CC/LDH/Tech/Valuer/2008-09/72. |
Contact Person: Modern Architects. This listing has been viewed 2636 times so far. |