New Consolidated Constructions Pvt. Ltd. |
NCCCL has worked in the past with several International Consulting Organizations and Architects such as Brown & Root, Lummus and Hum preys & Glass-glow and its strengths are built around a group of professional engineers with a team of reliable sub-contractors and suppliers in various fields.
NCCCL Rahim Toola House
7 Homji Street Fort Mumbai - 400001 Maharashtra - India Phone: +91-22660056
New Consolidated Constructions Pvt. Ltd. is listed as Civil Contractors in Mumbai in our real estate directory.
 About New Consolidated Constructions Pvt. Ltd. |
In 1946, the foundations of a new company were laid – A construction company – ready to share the task of building a new India. That company was New Consolidated Construction Company Limited (NCCCL) from the very beginning, NCCCL had ambitious goals and through hard work, sheer dedication and adherence to high standards, NCCCL in time became one of the better-known construction companies in India, with a reputation for the quality and the completion. |
Contact Person: Santosh Santosh. This listing has been viewed 3741 times so far. |