Planners Koncept |
We are providing comprehensive services in the field of Architecture, town Planning, Enginnering, Landscaping, Interiors, Valuation and Infrastructure planning and Design. The organisation is headed by highly quaified professionals from reputed School of Planning & Architecture, New Delhi.
Planners Koncept Planners Koncept
A-288, Sector-47 Noida - 201305 Uttar Pradesh - India Phone: +91-9871803744
Planners Koncept is listed as Architects in Noida in our real estate directory.
 About Planners Koncept |
Planners Koncept is an ISO 9001:2008 certified Consultancy Firm and its ideals stand(s) for Quality, Reliability and Trustworthiness. A multidisciplinary organization, provides all types of solutions in the field of Town Planning, Architecture, Infrastructure, Engineering and in the real estate fields under one roof.
Since the inception of the firm in 1994 we have adapted to provide sustainable engineering solutions in the diversified fields to meet the challenges of fast changing needs of built up areas and forms.
We have an experience of 18 years as a town Planning and Architectural firm, We have worked for various organisations for urban improvement, beautifications of road sides, landscaping of parks/open areas, buildings and to improve urban infrastructure. We also have vast experience in doing feasibility studies for roads, highways, ports, for development of area development schemes, SEZs, specialized malls, Integrated Townships, Multi-storied apartments, Industries, Hospitals, Institutions, Office buildings and many other Commercial and IT parks Projects.
Our team of dedicated staff includes architects, Civil Engineers, mechanical and electrical engineers, quantity surveyors, construction managers, landscape architects, interior designers, air - conditioning engineers, fire fighting professionals, quantity surveyors and estimators, plumbing and sanitary engineers, construction supervisors and project management professionals.
Our Vision
The vision is to facilitate planned and synergize built up areas along with the provision of latest technologies to provide sustainable and world class infrastructure.
Our urban and rural areas have fast deteriorated due to unplanned growth and load on the existing infrastructure leading to choked cities, failure of physical and social infrastructure, traffic jams. It is the responsibility of us, planners to create a balanced and healthy environment for all.
Our Services
- Architectural Services
- Buildings
- Interior Designs
- Landscape Design
- Plumbing
- Town Planning
- Quantity Surveying
- Roads & Highways
- Urban Infrastructure
- Project Management
- Petrol & CNG Stations
- Special Projects
- Valuation of Properties
- Market research
- Outsourcing etc. |
Contact Person: Pradeep Kharbanda. This listing has been viewed 4804 times so far. |