RAJPARIS Civil Construction Limited |
Rajparis Civil Constructions is engaged in undertaking Civil Contracts, Promotion of Residential Housing Complexes & Construction of Commercial Buildings. A wonderful team of experienced, efficient and dedicated personnel ably lead by the board of directors is the reason behind the success of RCC.
RAJPARIS Civil Construction Limited 30, Raj Court, Greams Lane
Thousand Lights Chennai - 600006 Tamil Nadu - India Phone: +91-44-28290038
RAJPARIS Civil Construction Limited is listed as Civil Contractors in Chennai in our real estate directory.
 About RAJPARIS Civil Construction Limited |
Established in 1980, Rajparis Civil Constructions (RCC) has established itself as one of the most trusted and popular builders and promoters in Chennai. Over these years, RCC could accomplish a great number of renowned housing and commercial projects located in the heart of Chennai city. RCC is always with its clients to provide them comfortable homes and convenient business centers. RCC is always proud of the magnificent housing complexes and majestic commercial buildings built by us in the prime locations of the city that acclaim its expertise and credentials in the field of civil construction and promotion.
Rajparis Civil Constructions (RCC) was constituted on the 1st of August 1988. Starting to grow as a partnership firm, RCC become a Private Limited Company being taken over by the partners of the firm. Mr. R. Satchidanandam and Mr. R. Jeyakumar, became the directors of the company carrying it forward successfully towards a significant growth. In 1995, Mr. K. Veluchamy entered the board of directors and the company showed a paid up capital of Rs. 5.75 crores. Under the expert leadership and efficient management of these three stalwarts of civil constructions, RCC has set its own landmark in civil constructions and promotions and has grown dear to its clients providing them enduring and quality services.
Business Profile
The various segments of RCC's team is meticulously involved with its projects right from the stage of planning through execution till completion. We make comfortable houses for you to make congenial homes. We make convenient commercial constructions for you to do successful businesses. Thus, RCC is with you to give the best for your personal, domestic and corporate needs. | Projects of RAJPARIS Civil Construction Limited | Some of the real estate projects by RAJPARIS Civil Construction Limited are listed in the table below. |
Project Name |
Project Location |
Project Type |
Status |
Rajparis Harmony |
Medavakkam |
Apartments |
Ongoing |
Contact Person: R. Satchidanandam . This listing has been viewed 3766 times so far. |