Ramaniyam Real Estates Pvt. Ltd. |
Ramaniyam grew out of the creative passion of Mr.V.Jaggannathan whose love of art & design guides the aesthetics of all buildings. He is a dynamic, hands-on leader of a young & dedicated team committed to learning, growing & constantly upgrading methods etc. to produce high quality buildings.
Ramaniyam Real Estates Private Limited 'Sruthi' No. 11, 2nd Main Road
Gandhi Nagar
Adayar Chennai - 600020 Tamil Nadu - India Phone: +91-044-2441437
Ramaniyam Real Estates Pvt. Ltd. is listed as Builders and Developers in Chennai in our real estate directory.
 About Ramaniyam Real Estates Pvt. Ltd. |
From 1986 to now, Ramaniyam has built a reputation for the care that helps us customize spaces for our clients, accommodating their dreams. | Projects of Ramaniyam Real Estates Pvt. Ltd. | Some of the real estate projects by Ramaniyam Real Estates Pvt. Ltd. are listed in the table below. |
Project Name |
Project Location |
Project Type |
Status |
Sai Leela |
Thiruvanmiyur |
Apartments |
Completed |
Arunodaya |
Besant Nagar |
Apartments |
Completed |
Sampoorna |
Thiruvanmiyur |
Apartments |
Completed |
Dwaraka |
Anna Nagar East |
Apartments |
Ongoing |
Stone Arc |
Thiruvanmiyur |
Apartments |
Ongoing |
Greeta |
Navalur |
Apartments |
Ongoing |
Contact Person: Mr. V.Jaggannathan . This listing has been viewed 5679 times so far. |