Regaliaa Realty Ltd. |
Regaliaa Realty Ltd. is a listed Public Limited Company engaged in the business of Property Development & Construction. The Company was promoted in the year 1994 with the purpose of designing, developing, constructing and marketing apartments, IT Parks, Malls, Service Apartments, etc.
Regaliaa Realty Ltd. Block A, II Floor
Ameen Manor
138, Nungambakkam High Road
Nungambakkam Chennai - 600034 Tamil Nadu - India Phone: +91-44-28331454
Regaliaa Realty Ltd. is listed as Builders and Developers in Chennai in our real estate directory.
 About Regaliaa Realty Ltd. |
We, at Regaliaa Realty Ltd., strongly believes that customers satisfaction is the most important factor that will pave the way for growth in the chosen line of the activity of the company.
The company believes that having a team of reputed consultants will enable it to execute its projects with proper care and complete details in place and not leaving any stone unturned and the company's vision is to ensure improvement in quality standards and meeting with customers requirements in a changing environment. | Projects of Regaliaa Realty Ltd. | Some of the real estate projects by Regaliaa Realty Ltd. are listed in the table below. |
Project Name |
Project Location |
Project Type |
Status |
Sree Krishna |
Kilpauk, Chennai |
Apartments |
Completed |
Barnaville |
Kilpauk, Chennai |
Apartments |
Completed |
Labelle |
Harrington Road, Chennai |
Apartments |
Completed |
Ruby |
Mogappair, Chennai |
Apartments |
Completed |
The Ferns |
Off East Coast Road, Chennai |
Township |
Ongoing |
Contact Person: Mr. D. Sudhakar Reddy. This listing has been viewed 2147 times so far. |