Reliance Builders |
Established in 1988, led by Mr. M.Srinivasa Rao, Reliance Builders is a name whose credentials are best depicted by the various ventures that bear its distinctive stamp. The Organization's specific competencies include planning, designing and construction of residential and commercial complexes.
Reliance Builders 101 & 102
Venkatarama Towers, 3-6-69
Opp. Skyline Theatre
Basheerbagh Hyderabad - 500029 Andhra Pradesh - India Phone: +91-40-23228893
Reliance Builders is listed as Builders and Developers in Hyderabad in our real estate directory.
 About Reliance Builders |
The Organization is committed to creating superior investor value to every one of its ventures by adhering to utmost quality, functionality, time-efficiency and cost effectiveness in their implementation.
Reliance Builders owe its success and sustained performance to its promoters - a group of renowned professionals with acknowledged credentials. While having a core team of highly devoted and diligent employees who bring with them a broad-spectrum of skills, the organization has an established a network of highly competent and experienced consulting professionals - architects, supervisors, contractors, vendors etc - to ensure that each project undertaken by the organization is professionally planned, designed and deployed. | Projects of Reliance Builders | Some of the real estate projects by Reliance Builders are listed in the table below. |
Project Name |
Project Location |
Project Type |
Status |
Thomas Prabhu Reliance Complex |
Main Road, Himayat Nagar |
Apartments |
Completed |
Umanagar Galaxy |
Umanagar, Bagumpet |
Apartments |
Completed |
Reliance Residency |
Indira Park Road |
Apartments |
Completed |
Contact Person: Mr. M.Srinivasa Rao. This listing has been viewed 3702 times so far. |