S K Chatterjee & Associates |
The company was established in 1988 by Mr. S. K. Chatterjee along with a few Associates. Company claims to have competence to provide complete architectural service for any kind of projects residential educational, industrial, commercial, large, medium or small & those pertaining to interior design.
S K Chatterjee & Associates 27, Mirza Ghalib Street,
5th Floor Kolkata - 700016 West Bengal - India Phone: +91-33-22521946
S K Chatterjee & Associates is listed as Architects in Kolkata in our real estate directory.
 About S K Chatterjee & Associates |
Establishment of "S.K. Chatterjee & Associates" was the fulfillment of the urge of Mr. S. K. Chatterjee to utilize the experience gathered by him during about two decades in the field of architecture in providing services to a vast range of clients. The organization was established in the year 1988 by Mr. S. K. Chatterjee with a mission to offer complete satisfaction to the client availing the services.
The performance of the team under the leadership of Mr. S.K. Chatterjee soon drew attention and patronage of a number of corporate houses. To mention a few, they were ITC Limited, PepsiCo India Holding Pvt. Ltd., SWIL Limited, Hindustan Unileaver Limited, Indian Rayon & Industries (Aditya Birla Group), Surya Nepal Pvt. Ltd.
The patronage and support extended by those houses inspired the small team to grew steadfastly and gradually and over the years. S.K. CHATTERJEE & ASSOCIATES brought within its fold quite a few experts of long standing and experience in various fields of engineering pertaining to the art and science of architecture. This necessitated augmentation in the number of assistants and strengthening the in-house systems.
Services OfferedWith fully computerized & modernized design, drawing and documentation system, the services offered are related to the following: - Basic planning making best use of the environment
- Economic Structural Design
- Cost effective electrical installation
- Efficient water supply & Drainage system
- Comfortable Weather Control & Ventilation system
- Effective Fire Detection, Alarm and Fighting system
- Pleasing Interior Decoration
- Assessment at structural stability
Contact Person: S K Chatterjee. This listing has been viewed 3033 times so far. |