SB Constructions |
SB Constructions is Construction Company (Works Contractor) registered as 'A' Class Contractor under Government of Orissa. The company has executed various contracts during the last years worth in Crores ranging from Roads, Earthwork, Culvert etc.
SB Constructions Binakhandi, Kacheri Road Sambalpur - 768001 Orissa - India Phone: +91-9861264495
SB Constructions is listed as Civil Contractors in Sambalpur in our real estate directory.
 About SB Constructions |
We started our business of works contract in 2001 as PWD 'C' Class Contractor, We believe that Hard Work, Dedication and Honesty is the only basis for the Growth of our business. We have executed various types of works worth crores under different authorities during the past 10 years. We have already executed various works ranging from Road Construction both Bituminous and Concrete, earth work etc.
The business of Works Contract is done as a proprietorship Firm in the Name and Style "Soumik Babu". We have sufficient competency, expertise and resources to execute any type of civil construction work assigned to us.
Our works include Road works i.e. Bituminous Road, Concrete Road, Earth Work, RCC Concrete, Drainage, Hume Pipe Culvert, Box Culvert etc. |
Contact Person: Soumik Babu. This listing has been viewed 5449 times so far. |