Tantia Constructions Ltd. |
Tantia Group was established in 1964 with the objective to provide construction services to strengthen India’s railway infrastructure & associated civil construction. Since then we have extended to the construction of roads and highways, bridges and flyovers, sewerage & drainage networks among other
Tantia Constructions Ltd. Y6, Block EP
Sector 5, Salt Lake City Kolkata - 700091 West Bengal - India Phone: +91-33-23577651
Tantia Constructions Ltd. is listed as Civil Contractors in Kolkata in our real estate directory.
 About Tantia Constructions Ltd. |
We have specialised in railway infrastructure, which is expected to receive a big boost with the commissioning of passenger and freight corridor between the four metro cities of India and associated civil construction. Simultaneously, we have developed our core strength in roads & urban development. We have also enhanced our portfolio by entering into the marine infrastructure, aviation and power transmission sectors because they hold out significant potential for sustainable growth. Tantia Constructions Company Ltd has shown impressive growth despite recessionary conditions.
We work on a number of government-commissioned projects because they reflect national priority, enable us to capture a growing market share of similar projects, represent the safest risk and enable the company to directly enhance the quality of life. A significant number of projects we work on enjoy committed funding from the World Bank, Japan Bank for International Cooperation or the Asian Development Bank, de-risking us from funding delays and incompletion.
The resurgence of Eastern India has thrown a number of opportunities our way through investments in creating infrastructure for increasing industrial activity, growing trade and commerce and enhancing demand for real estate. We have enhanced our international experience through projects in Bangladesh, Nepal and Bhutan in association with active local partners, a valuable precursor to our prospective entry in neighboring underdeveloped countries and the fast-growing ASEAN. We procure key material inputs directly from reputable manufacturers to enable us to strengthen our quality controls and minimizes rework arising from material variations. |
Contact Person: I.P. Tantia. This listing has been viewed 4523 times so far. |