VGN Developers Pvt. Ltd. |
VGN Developers Pvt. Ltd., a respected name in the real estate industry, has contributed to better living since 1942. VGN Developers has infused a strong belief to maintain higher standards and transparency right from designs, materials, construction techniques and management principles.
VGN Developers Pvt. Ltd. 43/14, Hameedia Centre
3rd Floor
Haddows Road
Nungambakkam Chennai - 600034 Tamil Nadu - India Phone: +91-44-43439999
VGN Developers Pvt. Ltd. is listed as Builders and Developers in Chennai in our real estate directory.
 About VGN Developers Pvt. Ltd. |
We at VGN Developers Pvt. Ltd., nurture newer and higher ambitions. With a strong heritage of expertise and trust built out of our decades-old experience in layout promotions, we have entered into residential and integrated township development committing to bring international living standards to India in a big way. | Projects of VGN Developers Pvt. Ltd. | Some of the real estate projects by VGN Developers Pvt. Ltd. are listed in the table below. |
Project Name |
Project Location |
Project Type |
Status |
VGN Zodiac Ville |
Mogappair |
Apartments |
Completed |
VGN Minerva |
Mogappair |
Apartments |
Ongoing |
VGN La Parisienne |
Mogappair |
Apartments |
Ongoing |
VGN Platina |
Ambattur |
Township |
Upcoming |
Contact Person: VGN Developers . This listing has been viewed 8857 times so far. |